Teaching — learning together
"Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand."
(Chinese Proverb)
This webpage features conference paper presentations, chaired/co-chaired conferences, conferences attended as a delegate, my university teaching (full semester), invited international travel and keynotes, invited university lectures and public lectures and miscellaneous invited offices, speeches and privileges. The page also contains links to related research and resources.
While we learn from the past, we also learn for the future. Learning is retrospective and
prospective. In today's information age the base currency is learning, not knowledge. The
American social writer and philosopher Eric Hoffer (1902-1983) put it this way: "The central
task of education is to implant a will and a facility for learning; it should produce not learned but
learning people. The truly human society is a learning society, where grandparents, parents, and
children are students together. In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future.
The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists."
Fortunately there is no end to learning as Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) famously said: "Live as
if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Luetz, J.M. (2021, April 8). Towards Nature-Immersive Pedagogy of Place in Outdoor Education. In 3rd World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research, Online (CET); Hamburg, Germany & Murcia, Spain; (slides)
- Luetz, J.M. & Nunn, P. (2019, August 21). Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Islands: Opportunities for Faith-Engaged Approaches. In 2nd Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region, Lautoka, Fiji, 21–22 Aug. 2019; (slides; video; photo); doi:10.1007/978-3-030-40552-6_15
- Luetz, J.M. (2019, August 2). Novel Perspectives on Abortion from Phenomenology Research: A Manifesto for Consulting the Unconsulted. In ACHEA 2019: Christian Education—Reason and Relevance, State Library of Queensland (SLQ), Brisbane, 31 Jul–2 Aug. 2019.
- Buxton G., Luetz J.M., Shaw S. (2019, August 1). Towards an Embodied Pedagogy in Educating for Creation Care. In ACHEA 2019: Christian Education—Reason and Relevance, State Library of Queensland (SLQ), Brisbane, 31 Jul–2 Aug. 2019.
- Luetz, J.M. & Beaumont, S. (2018, June 29). Community Gardening: Integrating Social Responsibility and Sustainability in a Higher Education Setting—A Case Study from Australia. In World Symposium on Social Responsibility and Sustainability. University of Edinburgh, Scotland (slides); doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03562-4_26
- Unger, J.M., & Luetz, J.M. (2018, June 29). Engaging Employees in Corporate Social Responsibility Projects—A Case Study from the Lufthansa Group Showcasing Experiences and Lessons Gathered in Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria and Columbia. In World Symposium on Social Responsibility and Sustainability. University of Edinburgh, Scotland; (BEST PAPER PRIZE); (slides); doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03562-4_13
- Luetz, J.M. & Walid, M. (2018, June 28). Social Responsibility Versus Sustainable Development in United Nations Policy Documents: A Meta-analytical Review of Key Terms in Human Development Reports. In World Symposium on Social Responsibility and Sustainability. University of Edinburgh, Scotland (slides); doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03562-4_16
- Luetz, J.M. (2017, August 18). Envisioning Christian Higher Education in a Disaster-Prone World: Perspectives from Poor and Marginalised Communities. In ACHEA 2017: Envisioning Christian Higher Education. Alphacrucis College, Parramatta, Sydney.
- Luetz, J.M., & Havea, P. H. (2017, July 6). “We’re not Refugees, We’ll Stay Here Until We Die!”—Climate Change Adaptation and Migration Experiences Gathered from the Tulun and Nissan Atolls of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. In World Symposium on Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in Coastal Communities. Apia, Samoa. (BEST PAPER PRIZE); (slides); doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70703-7_1
- Luetz, J.M. (2016, July 26). Climate Change and Migration in the Maldives: Some Lessons for Policy Makers. In Symposium on Climate Change Adaptation in the Pacific Region. Lautoka, Fiji. Presentation. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-50094-2_3
- Luetz, J.M., & Sultana, N. (2016, July 19). Education as the aspirational sine qua non for human flourishing: Case study from Bangladesh. In Research Symposium Learning and Loves—Re-Imagining Christian Education. Brisbane, Australia (Christian Heritage College); 18–19 July 2016. Presented video documentary; doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98294-6_37
- Luetz, J.M., Buxton, G, Bangert, K. (2016, July 19). Education: Success factor for poverty reduction, environmental justice & intergenerational equity. In Research Symposium Learning and Loves—Re-Imagining Christian Education. Brisbane, Australia (Christian Heritage College); 18–19 July 2016. Subsequently published as doi:10.1007/978-981-13-0851-2_4
- Luetz, J.M. (2011, June 17): Migrants and transients in a climate of change. In Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) NSW Centre Postgraduate Student Symposium; Climate Change and Variability: Science, Impacts and Adaptation. University of New South Wales, Climate Change Research Centre, Sydney, Australia (slides; program)
- Luetz, J.M. (2010, November 16–18): Climate change migration issues and lessons from the Carteret Islands. In Climate Change Adaptation and Governance Workshop; National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF). University of New South Wales, Australian Graduate School of Management (slides; program). Associated arising publications: 10.1007/978-3-319-70703-7_1; Forced Migration Review FMR (61), 20-22; Podcast: MP3 Download; (Arabic)
- Luetz, J.M. (2010, June 23): Draft Ph.D. proposal presentation to the Institute of Environmental studies (IES), University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (slides)
- Luetz, J.M. (2008, November 7–8): Universität Hamburg, Germany: Invited to present on field research conducted in Bougainville/Papua New Guinea in 2008. In Internationale Klimakonferenz: “Atolle der Südsee—Halligen der Nordsee: Internationaler Dialog zum Klimawandel”. With panel discussion (slides)
- Delegate • Brisbane, Australia • State Library Queensland (SLQ) (2019, June 5): Knowledge Sharing Symposium: Climate Action in Asia-Pacific (Symposium sponsored by Queensland Government and Griffith University; program)
- Climate Leader • Melbourne, Australia • (2014, June 25–27): Climate Reality Leadership Corps • Trained, certified and commissioned by Nobel Laureate & former U.S. Vice President Al Gore as one of 525 Climate Leaders from 32 countries (certificate; photo)
- Delegate • Sydney, Australia • NSW Parliament House (2011, November 10–11): Climate Change and Migration in the Asia Pacific: Legal and Policy Responses (flyer; program)
- Delegate • Melbourne, Australia • University of Melbourne (2011, July 12–14): Four degrees or more? Australia in a hot world. Conference on the likely social, ecological, economic and political implications of catastrophic warming for Australia and its region (program; info)
- Delegate • Brisbane, Australia • Queensland Gallery of Modern Art (2011, May 20): Climate Adaptation Masterclass: From Theory to Implementation. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF). For researchers, policy and decision-makers (program; venue)
- Delegate • Sydney, Australia • Doltone House (2019, October 11–12): Behaviour Change for Sustainability: National Conference. The strategic challenges of behaviour change, and developing links between behaviour change and other social change tools (program; notes; highlights; Keynotes: Jeremy Rifkin; Paul C. Stern; Sam Graham-Felsen)
- Delegate • Seoul, Korea • Torch Centre, Korean Centre for World Mission (1995, May 17–26): Global Consultation on World Evangelization (GCOWE ‘95). One of more than 3,300 invited delegates from 186 countries (Associated research theme: 10/40 or 4/14 window?)
- 2021—S1 • SO653 Research Methods (Postgraduate)
- 2020—S1 • SO693 Research Proposal (Postgraduate)
- 2021—S1 • SO100 Academic and Professional Communication (Undergraduate)
- 2021—S1 • SO694 Leadership Thesis (Postgraduate / Master Thesis)
- 2020—S2 • SO542 Leading and Facilitating Strategic Change (Postgraduate)
- 2020—S2 • SO694 Leadership Thesis (Postgraduate / Master Thesis)
- 2020—S2 • SO100 Academic and Professional Communication (Undergraduate)
- 2020—S2 • SO116 Introduction to Human Services (Undergraduate)
- 2020—S1 • SO540 Leadership Theory (Postgraduate)
- 2020—S1 • SO653 Research Methods (Postgraduate)
- 2020—S1 • SO693 Research Proposal (Postgraduate)
- 2020—S1 • SO100 Academic and Professional Communication (Undergraduate)
- 2019—S2 • SO115 Introduction to Applied Social Sciences Contexts (Undergraduate)
- 2019—S2 • SO694 Leadership Thesis (Postgraduate / Master Thesis)
- 2019—S1 • SO115 Introduction to Applied Social Sciences Contexts (Undergraduate)
- 2019—S1 • SO540 Leadership Theory (Postgraduate)
- 2019—S1 • BZ230 International Business (Undergraduate), School of Business
- 2019—S1 • SO653 Research Methods (Postgraduate)
- 2019—S1 • SO693 Research Proposal (Postgraduate)
- 2018—S2 • SO115 Introduction to Applied Social Sciences Contexts (Undergraduate)
- 2018—S2 • SO653 Research Methods (Postgraduate)
- 2018—S2 • SO112 Introduction to Human Behaviour (Undergraduate)
- 2018—S2 • CD241 Community Development Skills (Undergraduate)
- 2018—S1 • SO115 Introduction to Applied Social Sciences Contexts (Undergraduate)
- 2018—S1 • SO653 Research Methods (Postgraduate)
- 2017—S3 • SO540 Leadership Theory (Postgraduate)
- 2017—S2 • SO115 Introduction to Applied Social Sciences Contexts (Undergraduate)
- 2017—S2 • SO542 Leading and Facilitating Strategic Change (Postgraduate). Invited guest lecturers Rev Tim Costello, Chief Advocate World Vision Australia (25–26 Aug 2017) [Flyer; CHC Aspire Magazine]; Dan Kelly, Vice President, Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs World Vision International (29 Sep 2017) [Flyer]
- 2017—S2 • SO653 Research Methods (Postgraduate)
- 2017—S1 • YO240 Youth Work: Theoretical Perspectives (Undergraduate)
- 2017—S1 • SO540 Leadership Theory (Postgraduate)
- 2017—S1 • CS115 Foundations of a Bible-based Christ-centered Worldview (Undergraduate)
- 2016—S2 • RM511 Research Methods (Postgraduate)
- 2016—S2 • YO121 Understanding Young People (Undergraduate)
- 2016—S2 • YO220/CH220 Pastoral Care of Young People (Undergraduate)
- 2016—S1 • SO251 Ethics, Policy and Professional Issues (Undergraduate)
- 2016—S1 • YO100/YO401 Introduction to Youth Work (Undergraduate/Postgraduate)
- 2016—S1 • CS115 Foundations of a Bible-based Christ-centered Worldview (Undergraduate)
- 2015—S2 • YO121 Understanding Young People (Undergraduate)
- 2015—S2 • SO251 Ethics, Policy and Professional Issues (Undergraduate)
- 2015—S1 • CS115 Foundations of a Bible-based Christ-centered Worldview (Undergraduate)
- 2014—S2 • ARTS1811 International Relations: Continuity & Change (Undergraduate) • Approx. 125 students; five 1-hr tutorial classes p.w.; assessed learning journals and two essays w/ marking buy-out, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW
- 2014—S1 • ARTS3241 Environmental Justice (Undergraduate) • [Course Coordinator] 47 students; one 3-hr seminar p.w.; eight rounds of weekly online quizzes; six oral student group presentations; online and offline group peer reviews; 4,000-word case study, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW [Course Outline]
- 2014—S1 • ARTS1750 Introduction to Development Studies (Undergraduate) • [Course Coordinator] 191 students; one 2-hr lecture, four 1-hr tutorials p.w.; assessed 1-hr key concepts test; 1,500-word essay; 2-hour final exam p.st., School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW [Course Outline]
- 2013—S2 • IEST5003 Addressing Environmental Issues (Postgraduate) • [Assistant to the Professor] 47 students; one 3-hr lecture component p.w.; assessed 11 student group presentations and discussion exercises, Institute of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, UNSW
- 2013—S1 • ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability & Development (Undergraduate) • 48 students; two 1-hr tutorial classes p.w.; 9-week teaching period; marked two 1,500-word essays and 2 pop quizzes p. stud., School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW
- 2013—S1 • ENVS1011 Environmental Science for Sustainability (Undergraduate) • 30 students; one 2-hr class p.w.; 6-week teaching period; two guest lectures; marked 3-page paper and 15-min present. p. stud., School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, UNSW
- 2012—S2 • ARTS1751 Poor World, Rich World (Undergraduate) • 73 students; three 1-hr tutorial classes p.w.; marked two essays (1,500 / 2,000 words) and 12 weekly journals (150 words) p. stud., School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW [Course Outline]
- 2012—S2 • IEST5003 Addressing Environmental Issues (Postgraduate) • [Assistant to the Professor] 47 students; one 3-hr lecture component p.w.; assessed 11 student group presentations and discussion exercises, Institute of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, UNSW
- 2012—S2 • IEST5007 Environment and Development (Postgraduate) [involvement marking only] Marked eight 4,000-word essays, Institute of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, UNSW
- 2012—S1 • ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability & Development (Undergraduate) • 73 students; three 1-hr tutorial classes p.w.; marked 3,000-word essay and 12 weekly journals (500 words each) p. student, School of Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW [Course Outline]
- 2012—S1 • ARTS1750 Introduction to Development Studies (Undergraduate) • 48 students; two 1-hr tutorial classes p.w.; marked 1-hr key concepts test, 1,200-word essay, and 2-hour final exam p. student, School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW [Course Outline]
- 2012—S1 • IEST7500 Environmental Management: Engineering Fundamentals (Postgraduate) • 40 students (approx.); involvement marking only; co-marked student oral presentations during 3-week marking period, Institute of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Science, UNSW
- 2011—S1 • SOCW7850 Issues & Policy in Social Development (Postgraduate) • 32 students; two 1-hr tutorials p.w.; marked p. stud. 1,500-word ‘Policy Briefing Paper’ and 2,500-word ‘Policy Analysis’, School of Social Sciences and International Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW
- 2011—S1 • ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability & Development (Undergraduate) • 43 students; two 1-hr tutorial classes p.w.; marked 3,000-word essay and 12 weekly journals (500 words each) p. student, School of History and Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW
- 2011—S1 • ARTS1750 Introduction to Development Studies (Undergraduate) • 92 students; four 1-hr tutorial classes p.w.; marked 1-hour test, 1,200-word essay, 2-hr final exam p. student, School of Social Sciences and International Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UNSW
- Invited Symposium Co-Chair • Lautoka, Fiji • 21–22 August 2019 • Invited by Prof Dr (mult.) Dr h.c. (mult.) W Leal Filho to co-chair SECOND SYMPOSIUM ON CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION IN THE PACIFIC REGION; Video; Participant Photo; (20+ presentations / contributions; 40+ delegates).
- Invited delegate • Quito/Tena, Ecuador (2013, December 1–7) • Invited to review IKIAM Universidad Regional Amazónica: Proposal for the Establishment of the Amazonian University IKIAM in Ecuador (program; UNSW media release; group photo 60 invited delegates)
- Invited speaker • London School of Theology, UK (2011, September 5–9) • Bolivia Ph.D. field research presentation. World Vision International Global Resilience Forum: Community Resilience & Disaster Risk Reduction and Natural Environment & Climate Issues Groups joint conference (conference photo)
- Invited discussion group leader • Phuket, Thailand (2010, July 6–8) • World Vision International Global Disaster Risk Review: Global Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Community Resilience Programme (CRP) Review Learning Workshop (agenda; overview; workshop photo)
- Invited speaker • Ottawa, Canada (2010, May 5–11) • World Vision International Global Relief Forum; Humanitarian Imperative: Towards Destination 2020. Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs (HEA) global gathering (program; presentation on leadership; complete slides)
- World Vision invited participant • University College London (UCL), UK (2010, April 26) • Disaster Risk Micro-Insurance Workshop @ Aon Benfield Hazards Research Centre. Joint initiative between World Vision International, Aon Benfield UCL Hazards Research Centre & Microensure (program)
- Invited keynote speaker and panellist • Bangkok, Thailand (2010, February 11–12) • Multi Emergency Learning Event: World Vision Asia Pacific Regional Consultation; Humanitarian framework Ph.D. research presentation, panel discussion (program)
- Invited researcher • Geneva, Switzerland (2009, May 12–13) • World Vision Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs (HEA) meeting: Ph.D. research proposal presentation to World Vision International and Asia Pacific HEA international directors
- Invited speaker • Restenäs, Sweden (2009, January 19–23) • University of the Nations (UOFN), Faculty of Christian Ministries: Week of lectures in the School of Biblical Studies II (SBS) CCM 312: The Gospel of John—Inductive Bible Study (introduction; complete presentation)
- Invited speaker • Singapore, International Plaza (2008, September 19) • Singapore media launch of Planet Prepare: Preparing Coastal Communities in Asia for Future Catastrophes. Presentation of research as report lead author, engaging Singapore press (report; press release; Pressemitteilung)
- Invited speaker • Bangkok, Thailand (2008, September 18) • Asia Pacific media launch of Planet Prepare: Preparing Coastal Communities in Asia for Future Catastrophes. Presentation of research as lead author, engaging regional press and INGO practitioners (report; press release; Pressemitteilung)
- Invited keynote speaker • Bangkok, Thailand (2008, August 11–15) • Integrated Ministry Quality (IMQ) Forum: World Vision Asia Pacific Region (APR) National Directors and Relief Practitioners Meeting. Presentation of research relating to Asia Pacific Disaster Report 2008
- Invited speaker • Jerusalem, Israel (1999, 2000) • Discipleship Training School (DTS), Faculty of Christian Ministries: Week of lectures (one each in Sep 1999, Apr & Sep 2000) as invited lecturer teaching the inductive study method, DTS Centre Network, University of the Nations (UOFN IDS701)
- Invited lecture • (2020, October 6): ‘Theology of Earth Care’, SO317 Transformational Theology for Human Services Practices (Undergraduate), School of Social Sciences, CHC Higher Education, Brisbane
- Invited lecture • (2020, April 9): ‘Research Ethics’, JM503 Scholarship and the Ministry Leader (Postgraduate), School of Ministries (Master of Ministry Leadership), CHC Higher Education, Brisbane
- Invited lecture • (2019, September 21): ‘Theology of Earth Care’, SO317 Transformational Theology for Human Services Practices (Undergraduate), School of Social Sciences, CHC Higher Education, Brisbane
- Invited lecture • (2019, May 9): ‘Reimagining reconciliation with the earth: From ‘extractivism’ to ‘reflectivism’, SO312 Reconciliation in Contemporary Contexts (Undergraduate), School of Social Sciences, CHC Higher Education, Brisbane
- Invited lectures [2 Parts] • (2018, March 14, 21): ‘Research methods for ministry’, Trinity College, The Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod, Auchenflower/Brisbane
- Invited research seminar • (2017, May 19): ‘Climate change and migration in the Maldives: Some lessons for policy makers’, Cities Research Institute, Griffith University, Gold Coast (flyer)
- Invited speech • (2017, March 9): ‘Climate science, religion and the politics of climate change’, Emmanuel Centre for the Study of Science, Religion and Society, Emmanuel College, University of Queensland (post-event synthesis by Dr P. Tyson on scepticism; presentation; arising publication)
- Invited lecture • (2016, September 16): ‘Christian commitment and the longevity challenge of climate change’, SC120 Environmental Science (Undergraduate), School of Education and Humanities, CHC Higher Education, Brisbane
- Invited lecture • (2014, October 29): ‘Implications of climate change for coastal and urban environments: Case study from Bangladesh’, COMD5002 Development, Human Rights and Global Health (Postgraduate), Summer School 2015, Master of Development Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney (presentation; course outline)
- Invited lecture • (2014, August 27): ‘Case studies from hotpots: Coastal megacities’, GEOS3651 Migration, Multiculturalism, Society (Undergraduate), School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited lecture • (2014, August 26): ‘Case studies from hotpots: Water stressed regions and low-lying islands’, GEOS3651 Migration, Multiculturalism, Society (Undergraduate), School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited lecture • (2014, August 22): ‘Human implications of ruptured landscapes: Climate change and storm surges’, GEOS1601 Population, Environment, Society (Undergraduate), Faculty of Science, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited lecture • (2014, August 20): ‘Climate change and the limits of adaptation: Moving or living with it?’ GEOS3651 Migration, Multiculturalism, Society (Undergraduate), School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited lecture • (2014, August 19): ‘Climate change, civilizations and migrations: A difficult problem’, GEOS3651 Migration, Multiculturalism, Society (Undergraduate), School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited lecture • (2014, August 19): ‘Climate awareness: Implications of climate change for urban environments’, GEOS1601 Population, Environment, Society (Undergraduate), School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited lecture • (2014, August 7): ‘The latest in climate science: Implications for global development’, CEIC4000 Environment and Sustainability (Undergraduate), School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited lecture • (2013, June 5): ‘Climate change and Refugees’, SOCW7881 International Protection Tools for Refugees and IDPs (Postgraduate), School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited lecture • (2013, May 3): ‘Climate change induced migration’, ENVS1011 Environmental Science for Sustainability (Undergraduate), School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney (presentation)
- Invited lecture • (2013, April 26): ‘Climate change mitigation and adaptation: Policy options and opportunities’, ENVS1011 Environmental Science for Sustainability (Undergraduate), School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney (presentation)
- Invited lecture • (2012, September 12): ‘Climate change and small island states: Field research in the Pacific and Maldives’, ARTS1751 Poor World, Rich World (Undergraduate), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney (presentation; recording)
- Invited research seminar • (2012, March 20–21; 3x2 hrs): ‘Climate change and sustainable development?’ SOCW7852 Politics of International Aid (Postgraduate), School of Social Sciences and International Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney (seminar presentation over two days)
- Invited lecture • (2011, May 18): ‘Environmental issues in social development’, SOCW7850 Issues & Policy in Social Development (Postgraduate), School of Social Sciences and International Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited lecture • (2011, May 9): ‘Environmental migration’, ENVS1011 Environmental Science 1 (Undergraduate), School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney
- Invited week of lectures • (2009, January 19–23): ‘The Gospel of John—Inductive Bible Study’, Week of lectures in CCM 312 School of Biblical Studies II (SBS): Faculty of Christian Ministries, University of the Nations (UOFN), Restenäs, Sweden (introduction; complete presentation)
- Invited week of lectures • (1999, 2000): ‘Inductive Bible Study’, Week of lectures in IDS701 Discipleship Training School (DTS) (one each in Sep 1999, Apr & Sep 2000) as invited lecturer teaching the inductive study method, Faculty of Christian Ministries, DTS Centre Network, University of the Nations (UOFN), Jerusalem, Israel
- Invited panellist • Lutwyche/Brisbane, Australia: Theology on Tap (2020, November 1): Event Title: ‘Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land: Invitations for post-COVID-19 Church’; The Crown Hotel/zoom (public invite; online recording)
- Invited speaker • Lutwyche/Brisbane, Australia: Theology on Tap (2018, November 4) • Lecture Title: ‘Longing and Belonging: Biographical and Biblical Reflections on Home and Homelessness’; The Crown Hotel (public invite)
- Invited speaker • Lutwyche/Brisbane, Australia: Theology on Tap (2016, November 6) • Lecture Title: ‘Is there any common ground between climate science, social justice and biblical theology? A discussion informed by multidisciplinary perspectives’; The Crown Hotel (public invite; event website; slides)
- Invited speaker • Moggill Creek/Brisbane, Australia: A Rocha (2016, October 10) • Lecture Title: ‘Lessons Learned Through Studying the Effects of Climate Change’; Event: Calling all Christians Who Care for God’s Creation (public invite)
- Invited speaker • Hamburg, Germany: Quo Vadis/Kultur am Grindel (2009, January 9) • Lecture Title: ‘Land unter im Pazifik—Steigender Meeresspiegel und die Evakuierung der ersten Insel-Atolle: Augenzeugenbericht mit Fotos aus Papua Neuguinea, Bangladesch und Indonesien’ (Einladung; bilingual research presentation in German / English)
- Invited speaker • Berlin, Germany: EFG Tegel (2009, March 28) • Lecture Title: ‘Land unter im Pazifik: Ein Augenzeugenbericht’. Mit der Wanderausstellung des Pazifik-Netzwerks “Land unter im Pazifik – Die Folgen des Klimawandels für die pazifischen Inselstaaten” (Einladung; bilingual research presentation in German / English)
- Invited public speaking panel judge • Sydney, Australia (2014, September 18): Invited to join Judging Panel at 2014 3MT academic public speaking competition UNSW interfaculty finals. Leighton Hall, John Niland Scientia Building, University of New South Wales (media release; judges; photo)
- Invited speaker • UNSW United Nations Student Society, Sydney, Australia (2014, May 21). Invited presentation: Longevity of CO2 in the atmosphere and resultant migration consequences on developing country societies, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales (slides; photo)
- Invited speaker • Friedrichsdorf, Germany (2014, January 14): World Vision Germany WoVi Campus invited Ph.D. research lecture: Opportunities and challenges for development practice in the 21st Century context of progressive climate change (lecture storyboard)
- Invited speaker and panellist • UNSW Sydney, Australia [Central Lecture Block 4] (2013, November 26): AMOS NSW Regional Centre, UNSW CCRC & IES: Screening “The Island President”, panel discussion (event flyer; associated research publication)
- Invited Master of Ceremonies • UNSW Sydney, Australia [Leighton Hall, John Niland Scientia Building] (2013, September 5): Invited to officiate at the 2013 3MT academic public speaking competition UNSW interfaculty finals
- Invited speaker • UNSW Sydney, Australia (2013, September 3): Invited to deliver Ph.D. research to UNSW Chancellor David Gonski AC, President and Vice-Chancellor Fred Hilmer AO and more than 300 guests comprising academics, business leaders, government representatives, the not-for-profit sector and the diplomatic corps at annual UNSW Town & Gown signature dinner. One of four selected UNSW Ph.D. researchers. Leighton Hall, John Niland Scientia Building, University of New South Wales
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PhD research presentation at UNSW Town & Gown signature dinner, 3 September 2013. |
Photo: Andy Baker/UNSW |
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PhD research presentation at UNSW Town & Gown signature dinner, 3 September 2013. |
Photo: Andy Baker/UNSW |
- Invited guest lecture • Canterbury Boys High School, Environment Squad (2012, December 4): Invited lecture on climate migration offered to ASPIRE prize awarding secondary school students following 2012 UNSW 3MT academic public speaking competition finals on 25 September 2012
- Prizewinning speaker • UNSW Sydney, Australia (2012, September 25): Awarded ASPIRE Award ($500 AUD) for oratory Ph.D. research presentation. Represented Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at 2012 3MT academic public speaking competition UNSW interfaculty finals. Leighton Hall, John Niland Scientia Building, University of New South Wales (program; script; publicity; photos)
- Prizewinning speaker • UNSW Sydney, Australia (2012, August 28): Awarded 3MT FASS first prize ($300 AUD) for oratory Ph.D. research presentation. Represented Institute of Environmental Studies (IES) at 2012 3MT academic public speaking competition Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) faculty heats, CLB, University of New South Wales (invite; publicity)
- Speaker • Cagayan de Oro / Manila, Philippines (2012, January 19 & 20): World Vision Development Foundation (WVDF) round table: Presented Philippines field research synthesis report on typhoon induced displacement and government coordinated resettlement to WVDF National Director and select policy, relief, research and advocacy specialists (external research assistant website)
- Invited documentary presenter • Sydney, Australia (2011, June 14–17): Invited to present video documentary on climate change related displacement in Bolivia. International Refugee Conference 2011. Looking to the future, learning from the past: A conference to mark 60 years of the Refugee Convention. Centre for Refugee Research, University of New South Wales (program)
- Invited speaker, panellist • Universität Hamburg, Germany (2008, November 7–8): Invited to present on field research conducted in Bougainville/Papua New Guinea in 2008. In Internationale Klimakonferenz: “Atolle der Südsee—Halligen der Nordsee: Internationaler Dialog zum Klimawandel”. With panel discussion (presentation; conference poster)
- Invited speaker • Phnom Penh, Cambodia (2008, August 29): Invited to present disaster preparedness research via WebEx from Singapore, Communications Managers Meeting, World Vision Asia Pacific Regional Communications Conference Summer School (slides)
- Invited graduation speaker • Invited to deliver Graduation Ceremony Speech at MBA Graduation, Berlin City Hall / Rotes Rathaus Berlin, Germany (20 November 2006). Represented MBA European-Asian Management Programme, Berlin School of Economics, Germany
- Master of Ceremonies • Singapore National Library, Singapore (2006, March 16: ‘eight: forty stories, eight goals, one world’. Asia Pacific opening of World Vision International commissioned Nick Danziger photojournalistic exhibition (event poster; press coverage)